Wednesday, December 23, 2015
Swiss Flag Mural Offends Immigrants, African CEO Won't Hire Whites, Dutch Turks Don't Feel Dutch
Tuesday, December 22, 2015
Traditional Swiss Shirts Deemed Racist, Swedish Mall Too White, Universities Become Too PC
Swedish TV Bans the Word Immigrant, Abide By Refugee Quota Or Else, 1M Migrants in 2015
Saturday, December 12, 2015
Court: Native French Don't Exist, White Americans Remain Mostly European
Sharia Police Ruled Legal, Finnish Patrol Streets After Rape, France's FN Party Wins Big
Trump Brings Fringe to Mainstream, Greatest Threat to Europeans? Themselves, Collapse=White Survival
Friday, December 11, 2015
Jews Rally Against Anti-Migrant Parties, Trump Snubs Israel, Germany to Ban 'Anti-Semitic Parties
Monday, December 7, 2015
Wilders: Turkey Isn't European & Will Never Join EU
Refugees Are Like Jews Fleeing Nazis, Syria is Modern Day Holocaust, 1K Rabbis Welcome Migrants
Obama Preaches Tolerance & Gun Control, US Airstrikes Kill Syrian Soldiers, Virgin Mary March Banned
Thursday, December 3, 2015
Tuesday, December 1, 2015
Saturday, November 28, 2015
Wednesday, November 25, 2015
Record Swedish Women Emigrating, Refugees Protest That Its Too Cold
Poland Removes EU Flag, British Founders Were Ethnically Diverse, All Terrorist Are Migrants
University Shut Down Over Hate Speech, Student Traumatized After Reading About Whites
Putin: ISIS Financed By G20 Members, Turkey Supports ISIS
Thursday, November 19, 2015
France to Eradicate Terrorism to Preserve Immigration & Mixing
Wednesday, November 18, 2015
French Jews Warned of Paris Attack, Sweden On High Alert, Women Harassed at Refugees Welcome Event
EU: Borders Will Remain Open, Jews Bash Plan to Stop Refugees to US, Israelis Gloat Over Attacks
Saturday, November 14, 2015
With Open Gates: The Forced Collective Suicide of European Nations
Germany Forgets WWII Past..Seals Borders?, Pro-Migrant Protester Raped by Migrant, EU Civil War?
Holocaust Denier Heads to Jail, Pro-White Speech=Hate Speech, Netanyahu Envisions 3 More Israels
Jews Head Push for Invasion, Africa Refuses to Stop Migrant Flow, Global Migration=EU's Future
Non-Whites Protest Colleges Around US, Georgia Holds First Interracial Prom, Anti-Whites Lie Again
Friday, November 13, 2015
Three Million 'Asylum Seekers' Expected in EU by 2017
Leftist in Calais: "We May Be Facilitating a Rebellion at Some Point
Migrant: Europe Is Too Cold...I Want To Go Back
Holocaust Denier Heads to Jail, Pro-White Speech=Hate Speech, Netanyahu Envisions 3 More Israels
Jews Head Push for Invasion, Africa Refuses to Stop Migrant Flow, Global Migration=EU's Future
Non-Whites Protest Colleges Around US, Georgia Holds First Interracial Prom, Anti-Whites Lie Again
Thursday, November 5, 2015
African Immigrant Threatens Danish Journalist on Live TV
Town of 102 residents Forced to Accept 750 Migrants
Bavaria to Bus Refugees to Merkel's Office in Berlin
Migrants to Learn EU Values, Refugee Rapes Red Cross Worker, Europe on Brink of War
Soros: National Borders Are the Obstacle...Not Migrants
Afrophobia: African Migration to US Grows, Racist Tweeter Loses Job, Anti-Semitic Politican Expelled
Sunday, November 1, 2015
Belgians More Dangerous Than ISIS, Migrants Taught Not to Rape, German Boy Stoned by Refugees
Students Support Fired Officer, Something Disturbing Across US, KKK Flyer an Act of Terrorism
Swedish Feminist Admits System Failure, Treason Complaints Against Merkel, UN: Crisis Expected
“Poor Refugees” Have More Money Than Local People
Saturday, October 31, 2015
"Refugees" Sing Jihad Songs While Naive Germans Applauded
Pro-invasion Leftist Gets His Cars Torched
I'm Jewish and We Must End Racism Says Bernie Sanders
Tuesday, October 27, 2015
Black Judge Dismissed Entire White Jury Citing Lack of Diversity
‘Hard Worker’ Conjures Up Memories of Slavery
Taxdollars Push for Less Whites, Anti-White Street Signs in NY, Whites Have Right to Exclude
Taxdollars Push for Less Whites, Anti-White Street Signs in NY, Whites Have Right to Exclude from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
For-Profit Genocide of Europeans, Jewish Congress: Make It Illegal to Have Racist Ideas
For-Profit Genocide of Europeans, Jewish Congress: Make It Illegal to Have Racist Ideas from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Migrant Crisis Causing Ethnic Tension, Public Revolt and EU Collapse
Friday, October 23, 2015
Jew Pushes Diversity in New Star Wars, Refugee Influx=White Disarmament, Merkel Not Fit to Lead?
Police Told to Hide Refugee Crimes, Editor Admits They Portray Migrants Inaccurately
Sweden Triples Refugee Estimates...System Buckles, Crack Down on Anti-Migrant 'Hate Speech'
Students Forced to Make Beds/Cook for Migrants, Jews Compare Refugee Crisis to Holocaust
Britain Needs New Cities to House Migrants, Soros Under Fire for Open Border Push
Mass Immigration to Save EU, Jew Asserts Inferiority of Non-Jews, Israel Mowing the Grass Again,
Scary! Scientific Racism Creeping Back, There is NO Swedish Culture, Magnets to Alter Your Beliefs
Funniest Moments of Illegal Migrants
Nobel Peace Prize to Merkel for Opening Europe's Borders
Yoga Class Excludes Europeans, EU Tax Plan Funds Invasion, Refugee: We Came to Party!
No Media Blackout in Swedish Sword Attack, More Invasion Footage
Thursday, October 15, 2015
Shocking Videos on Phones Left by Illegal Migrants
Migrants Trampled on Food and Demanded Money (English)
Saturday, October 10, 2015
Merkel Guilty of Human Trafficking, 3K Germans Form Human Border, Hitler Actor a Pop Star in Germany
Friday, October 2, 2015
Mixed Raced OR Shooter Admired Black VA Shooter...Targeted Christians
Sunday, September 27, 2015
Refugees Desecrate Serbian Cemetery...Camp Out on Graves
Danish Ride Bikes As Invaders March Demanding Caliphate
Invaders: "You've Already Lost! Your Race is Being Extinguished!"
Saturday, September 26, 2015
Schools Want Less White Teachers, Jews Renounce Whitness, White Wins Discrimination Case
Invader: Your Race is Being Extinguished, Migrants Camp in Cemetery, ISIS Flees Russians
Jews Welcome Migrant Influx, Moral Imperialism=Suicidal Altruism, Sanctions for Refusing Invasion
Sunday, September 20, 2015
Hungarian Leader Exposes White Genocide, Anti-Immigrant Discourse 'Un-American'
Smugglers Promise Migrants Swedish Sex Slaves, Refugee Propaganda in Soccer
Monday, September 14, 2015
Auschwitz Jew Warns EU Over Migrant Crisis, Germany Closes Border, Invader Influx to Last Decades
Put Migrants in Concentration Camp?, EU Nations Closing Borders, French Mayor Confronts Invaders
EU Braces for Rape Epidemic, 71% Germans Oppose Invasion, Pope Covers Cross/Bows to Israeli
Thursday, September 10, 2015
Hungarian Reporter Fired for Resisting Invasion
Invaders in Spain Protest Police Brutality and Racial Profiling
Man Tries to Donate to Invaders But Gets Robbed
Monday, September 7, 2015
Why Don't Arabs States Accept Refugees, 75% of Migrants Are Young Men, Immigration=Great Replacement
EU Mulls Sanctions for Refusing Refugees, Drown Migrant Boy a Hoax, Europeans Welcome Invaders
Thursday, August 27, 2015
TV Anchor Shooting Was Racially Motivated..Media Silent, Most Mass Shooters Black?
Stop Saying Invaders..They're Refugees, Migrants to Save Europe
Saturday, August 22, 2015
Wednesday, August 19, 2015
Black Lives Matter Leader Outed As White
R4SAUG19TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Migrant Surge Hits Another Record, Pro-Invasion News Ramps Up
r4saug19one from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Muslim Immigrants Riot on Austrian Bus
African Invaders Bring Diversity to Spain (August 2015)
Sunday, August 16, 2015
Sunday, August 9, 2015
Savage: American Indian Warfare on the High Plains
Unarmed White Teen Killed..Who Cares?, Trump Denounces Political Correctness
Saturday, August 8, 2015
Latvians Protest White Genocide, Unemployed Build Anti-Migrant Fence, US Awaits Onslaught
Calais Crisis Caused by European Selfishness, German Journalist Defends White Genocide
Thursday, August 6, 2015
Somalis Beat Man Over Confederate Flag in MN
Whites Not Safe in Grand Rapids Michigan
Monday, August 3, 2015
"Xenophobic" Britain Swarmed by Migrants, Evil Vets Confronted by Somalis in MN
Europeans Fight Back Against Invaders as Leaders Hail Diversity
Too Many White People in Pittsburgh, Anti-Racism the New Religion
Thursday, July 30, 2015
The New Face of Hate: Matthew Heimbach Interview on Al Jazeera
Wednesday, July 29, 2015
Confederate Flag Provokes Shooting, Stabbing and Vandalism (RIP Anthony Hervey)
CONFEDERATE FLAG ATTACKS from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Sunday, July 26, 2015
Think Racism Has Ended? You're a Racist!
Why is the Internet So Racist?
Friday, July 24, 2015
Left Ideology Peaking...Decline to Follow, Pro-Confederate African Murdered, Girl to Marry Her Dog
Recording#3 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Invasion of Europe News Roundup, What is a Climate Refugee?, Obama Pushes More Immigration
Recording#3 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Demise of White Political Power, Mayor Celebrates White Decline, Why Are Parks So White?
R4SJULY24ONE-1 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Thursday, June 18, 2015
Calls for Disarming All White People
R4SJUNE18TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Media on the Attack After Charleston Shooting..Smells Like a PsyOp
Tuesday, June 16, 2015
Rachel Dolezal Can Choose Her Race...Or Can She?
Now ItsTrans-Racialism? When Does The Madness End?
Monday, June 15, 2015
NAACP Leader Lied About Her Race...She's Actually White
MyScreencast from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Wednesday, June 10, 2015
Obama the 'Closest Thing to a Jew', Racist Parties to Be Outlawed, Man Arrested for Holocaust Denial
White Flight in Sweden, White Lives Matter Protest in PA, Mass Immigration=The Great Replacement
500K Migrants Wait to Invade EU, White Europe to African Europe, Teachers Can't Punish Blacks
Wednesday, May 27, 2015
Are Mixed Race People Supremacist?
R4SMAY27 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Monday, April 20, 2015
700 Invaders Dead After Boat Sinks Off Libya
R4SAPRIL19 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Saturday, April 18, 2015
Anti-White Hatred at Diversity Course, Indian Fakes Being Black to Get Into Med School
R4SAPRIL18THREE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Muslim Migrants Threw Christians Overboard, Italy Collapsing Due to Immigration
R4SAPRIL18TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Black South Africans Attacking Immigrants, Most ISIS Leaders Come From Europe Says Assad
R4SAPRIL18ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 31, 2015
Intolerant LGBT's/Corporations Gang Up on Indiana Over Gay Law
GGNMARCH312015 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Tuesday, March 24, 2015
Yemen Terrorist Cursed Jews, EU Braces for Refugee Wave, MN Somalis Stage Walkout
R4SMARCH24TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Immigration Reaches Record Level, Migration Minister Attacked by Refugee
R4SMARCH24ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Monday, March 23, 2015
Swedish Movies Too White, Principal Host Black Only Assembly, Forest Workers Get Anti-White Class
Swedish Movies Too White, Principal Host Black Only Assembly, Forest Workers Get Anti-White Class from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Whites Only Stickers a Hoax, Anti-Racist Stage Mock Beating, Starbucks Ends Race Relations Stunt
Whites Only Stickers a Hoax, Anti-Racist Stage Mock Beating, Starbucks Ends Race Relations Stunt from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 28, 2015
Black Rapes 94 YO Blind Women
R4SFEB28TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
VP Biden Celebrates White Minority Status
R4SFEB28ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Monday, February 16, 2015
Europe Begs Jews to Stay After Attacks
Sunday, February 15, 2015
"You Don’t Understand What Jews Are Going Through" Says Joe Scarborough
Professor Advocates Violence Against White Racist
Israel Prepares for Mass Migration of European Jews
R4SFEB15ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Saturday, February 14, 2015
Jew Caught in Anti-Semitic False Flag, Exposing Jews Crimes is Hate Speech
R4SFEB14TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Sweden to Diversify White Areas, Australia a Nation of Immigrants"
Tuesday, February 3, 2015
White Nationalism in Putin's Russia
On Putins Russia Final Cut from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Monday, February 2, 2015
White Lives Matter
Diversity Billboard Taken Down After Public Outcry
Thursday, January 29, 2015
Black Lives Matter Protest Turn Violent in St. Louis
Where Did Germany’s Islamophobes Come From?
R4SJAN29TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
White Genocide in America 1980 to 2010, Intel to Pay $300M for Diversity
R4SJAN29ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Thursday, January 22, 2015
Gods Wrath on White America Part 1/2
Gods Wrath on White America Part 2/2
R4SJAN22ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Tuesday, January 20, 2015
Jew Tax...Pay to Protect Jews, Anti-Racist Are Violent, Pope Says Less Kids..More Immigrants
R4SJAN20TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Race Against Racism for MLK, Let Jews Carry Guns, Jews Behind Hate Speech Laws
R4SJAN20ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Wednesday, January 14, 2015
Kids Sex Ed Book Pushes Race Mixing in France
R4SJAN14THREE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
No Whites After 8 PM in England
R4SJAN14TWO from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Jews Fleeing to Israel After French Attacks
R4SJAN14ONE from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Thursday, January 8, 2015
French Attack Follows Israeli Threat, Supporting Palestine is 'Grave Mistake'
R4SJAN82015 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.
Wednesday, January 7, 2015
Anti-Racist Silent Over French Terror Attack..Anti-Immigrant Protest Grow in Europe
R4SJAN72015 from DDarko2013 on Vimeo.